Deploy Your Application with Peace of Mind
Achieve your Quality Pyramid using
Devum's Solution Testing and Simulation Framework

Everything You Need to Ensure You Build and Deploy Quality, Verified Applications
Test Suites
Validate your application's functionality against all required business cases and user acceptance criteria.
A powerful feature facilitating risk-free simulation of how your application will work before you go live.
Deploy Your App*
Release with peace of mind and realise all the benefits of fulfilling your project's quality pyramid.
Build Test Suites that Covers All
Required Business Cases
Test and Quality
Mock External Services
Verify Acceptance Criteria
Validate that Your Business Requirements and All User Acceptance Criteria are being Met
Ensure that your application satisfies the required business requirements by building test suites that cover all possible scenarios, whether dependent or independent, irrespective of scale or complexity. All types of users can benefit from this user-friendly feature which can be written and applied via our easy-to-use interface.

Simulate Data from Third-party Systems as part of Solution Testing
With more businesses using a combination of both hardware and software as part of their technology suites the need for systems to be able to integrate with third-party systems is paramount.
Devum allows users to mock external services to simulate data flow from these systems as part of its test cases without the need or risk to obtain the data through integrations straight away.
Verify that All Stakeholder Expectations are Met before Deployment
The simulation of any test suite requires mock input data, business rules and assertions to verify whether simulations pass or fail.
The configurations to test your app include a number of records to be generated, the frequency of the data generations, and the type of data to be generated for each input field. The type of data can be defined for each input field whether is it alphabetic, alphanumeric, multi-select or any required type.
This allows for granular verification of your application's functionality ensuring that your app will meet all required quality standards when it is deployed or updated.
Simulate to Verify How Your
Apps and Dashboards are Working
Test Suite Simulation
Simulation of any test suite requires mock input data, business rules and assertions to verify whether simulation has passed or failed. Devum's simulation feature allows to test as well as verify your apps without using solely mock simulated input data.
End-user Mock Demonstrations
By understanding the pattern of data output from external systems, one can configure the mock data to produce similar data output. For a test simulation, mock data will be provided as input and used to verify along with assertions.
You Define the Parameters
You can determine the number of data records, the frequency and type of data for each input field.
Generate Mock Data
The simulation functionality allows for data and services to be mocked to simulate user actions and/or third-party systems.
Low-risk Demo to End-users before Going Live
You can showcase your solution to end users for verification and feedback before going live. This feature is extremely useful when external data sources, such as hardware, cannot be procured during the testing phase.
Apply the Simulation Meaningfully
Simulated data can be used for any required operation in your app or be represented in your UI incorporating your required business rules.
Run All Test Suites before Deployment and
Release with Peace of Mind
Ensuring the quality of the solution before deployment is vital for enterprise grade applications that involved wide range of external systems. Devum allows you to run all test suites before deployment, monitor in real-time and take necessary decisions/changes to ensure the quality.